Quality Provision Rider Drawing 2232391 Rev. AA ​


On-Time Delivery (D1):
It is expected that products will be provided no later than the dock date established on the Purchase Order.
Suppliers must maintain a minimum of 96% or better On-Time-Delivery rating. Your company’s performance
for On-Time Delivery will be evaluated on deliveries earlier than (30) days and later that one day of the
established Purchase Order date could adversely affect your supplier rating and status as an approved
supplier. All Shipments earlier than (30) days may be returned at the supplier’s expense.

Product Quality (Q​1):
It is expected that the products and or services provided will be 100% free of defects and be compliant with
all applicable material and performance requirements. Your company’s quality acceptance performance will
be evaluated (number of pieces rejected / total number of pieces received) and acceptance rates of less than
98% could adversely affect your supplier rating and status as an approved supplier.

 D1 Performance
(3 month rolling)
Q​1 Performance
(3 month rolling)

