XS-sively Able

The compact, secure, intuitive

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Introducing The All-New PMAT XS<sup>™</sup>

XS-sively Able


The compact, secure, intuitive dataloader.

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Teledyne Controls GroundLink<sup>®</sup> Flight Data

The ultimate dataloading tool

The latest technology right in the palm of your hands.


Smallest rugged portable
loader on the market


Compliant with ARINC
and industry standards


7-inch touchscreen
user interface

Super-loading powers anywhere

Small, lightweight and portable, the PMAT XS ensures a load can be performed anywhere, any time.

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Easy Integration with Ground Distribution System

Designed to facilitate compliance, the PMAT XS seamlessly integrates with LSE to provide automatic distribution of Software Parts and secure application updates.

Learn More About LSE 3

Rugged for Durability

Built to withstand the rigors and demands of the flight line.


Checks digital signatures at import and load time and physically disconnects from ground networks when the aircraft is being loaded.

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3 Loaders in One

ARINC 615-4 over ARINC 429

ARINC 615A-3 over Ethernet

USB Stick Load Emulator

Multiple Power Options

The PMAT XS operates from internal battery, aircraft power and ground power. The internal battery can be re‑charged anywhere within the flight line using the docking station, aircraft power and ground power.

Docking Station

Easy docking and un‑docking of the PMAT XS unit, while providing wired Ethernet connection to LSE at your desired maintenance location.

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